When the going gets tough, the tough get a librarian.
Jenna Boller in Best Foot Forward.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Computer Classes

The library is offering both beginning and advanced computer classes. On March 1 at 2:00 pm we will be having ‘Mousing Around’. This class teaches you how to use your computer mouse to navigate around your computer.

At 6:30 pm on March 1, we will be showing you how to connect with friends and businesses using email. The class is called ‘Email with Yahoo! Email’. You will find out how to set up your own free email account and how to use it.

On Monday March 29th at 6:30 we will be offering an advanced computer class on EBay. If you want to learn how to buy and sell items on this popular site, come to this special library class.

All of the classes are free. They are hands on. You will be able to practice on one of our new laptop computers.

We will be offering basic classes such as the email and mouse ones every month. There will be a different advanced class each month. In April we will be showing you how to download free audiobooks and ebooks from the Kansas State Library’s website. You can find information about the dates and time for the classes online at cvillepublib.org or you can come by the library for a copy of our newsletter which lists the information about all of our programs.

If you have any special class, advanced or beginning, that you would like us to offer please let us know.

You must register to save a place for you in the class. You can register by calling 785-251-1370 or at the desk in the library.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Movie Nights at the Library

Every third Thursday we have Movie Night at the Library from 6:00 to about 8:00.  If you would like to enjoy a good movie and some popcorn, come join us.  You can find out the title of the movie when you come to the library. We have the title of the movie posted for a week before the show.

Bring some friends and enjoy Movie Night at the Library!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Southeast Kansas Library System

Coffeyville Public Library is part of the Southeast Kansas Library System. SEKLS is headquartered in the Iola Public Library. It serves fifteen counties of southeast Kansas. Most services are offered to and through local libraries like ours. Membership in SEKLS is held by 54 public libraries, 41 school districts, 7 college/university libraries and 2 special libraries.

SEKLS provides many services to its member libraries. During 2009, 23 workshops or other continuing education events were offered. A total of 528 people attended these workshops. SEKLS also proves Interlibrary Loan, Cataloging and Rotation Book services.

A consultant from SEKLS maintains patron contacts, distributes informational materials, visit patrons and institutions to implement the Special Needs Services. Related services include Talking Books, BiFolkal kits, Descriptive Video Services videos, Braille/print/picture books and recreational therapy aids.

2009 was the fist full year of SEKnFind, a regional shared integrated library system (ILS). SEKnFind libraries, including Coffeyville, share a common catalog, facilitating resource sharing in the region. User can search all collections simultaneously, place holds on books regardless of their location, make comments on books, make purchase requests, renew books, review their reading history, and their current circulation status. SEKnFind currently has 16 active members and 5 additional libraries who are in the process of joining, These libraries exchanged 14,716 items among themselves during 2009.

A Youth Services Consultant assists libraries in improving children’s programs, collections, and services.

Coffeyville Public Library receives an annual allocation (grant) from SEKLS. During 2009, SEKLS awarded a total of $22,687 in Equipment Grants and $60,972 in Material Delivery Grants to offset the cost of interlibrary load shopping expenses.

SEKLS provides great individual help and advices to member libraries as needed. SEKLS staff made consulting 774 visits to member libraries during 2009.

Technology consultants help our library in acquiring and using computers and other technology. They also solve computer programs, etc.

SEKLS is funded largely by a property tax on property not already being taxed to support a local public library and by state aid. In 2009 the mill levy was 1.225 mills.

To find out more about the Southeast Kansas Library System you can visit their website at www.sekls.lib.ks.us

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Old Pictures

The library is trying to pictures of Old Downtown Coffeyville preferably from the 50's or any decade. If you have any picture you would like to share, please email or scan a copy for the library. We have people in all the time looking for old photos of Coffeyville and you picture just might be the one they are looking for. Thanks